Welcome to The Hoosier Local. Here you will find a collection of Local media sources. Also included in this site will be some places to find free media types like free TV, Movies & Radio. You will no doubt have to have a fast internet connection to benifit from these. Please send me more links if you see or know of any around the internet that refer to Local Indiana stations or Free Internet TV & Radio.


Hello, my name is Tim Keesling and I was born and raised a HOOSIER. My anscestors were among the first to settle Indiana when the territory became available in the early 1800's. I have an interest in media in general and thought it a good idea to make a place where other people from Indiana could come to find news from Indiana and so on. This first started out as a family project for my own family but I thought I could extend it to others as well. I hope to make it an interesting website and hope that it grows. Who knows, I may eventually have a message board system here as well so people can keep up with each other. Please take a look around the site and if you know of any other Indiana related link you might like to see here, just send me a message from the "contact" section of this website. Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy your stay. Please come back soon.

Free or Subscription TV or Radio & Video

  • TVU Player - Download stand alone player
  • Readon Player - Download stand alone player
  • Winamp - Download stand alone player
  • Hulu - View from web browser hulu.com
  • YouTube - View from web browser

Indiana Local TV or Radio

Indiana Newspapers

Indiana Library's and Historical Society's + Other Informational Websites

  • Indiana State Public Library
  • New Castle, Henry County Public Library

Weather Related